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Children’s Dyslexia Center

About Our Center

Give us a call: (614) 799-1261

Welcome to the website of the Children’s Dyslexia Center – In Honor of Richard J. Luckay, MSA, 33º! We’re glad you’ve stopped by to learn about our dynamic center. Dedicated to helping children overcome the challenges of dyslexia as well as training instructors to guide children in that important effort, the Center was established in 1999. Since that time, we have worked with hundreds of children in our Center and in many school districts throughout central Ohio. Additionally, instructors trained at our center have gone on to individual practice and, in turn, have trained thousands of students in our area.

Utilizing the highly-effective Orton Gillingham method over a two year period encompassing 112 50-minute, one-on-one sessions, we have seen incredible improvement and growth in our students’ reading and comprehension abilities. We regularly receive cards and letters from grateful students, parents and grandparents, thanking us for helping them/their student go from being frustrated by their reading challenges to being excited to read and happy when called on to read in school. Want to learn more? Call our Center at 614/799-1261.

The Children’s Dyslexia Center is a charitable organization, operated by an organization, the Scottish Rite, within the Masonic fraternity. Named in honor of our founding Chairman and chief advocate, the late Richard J. Luckay, our Center is the premier organization in Central Ohio providing student and teacher training to address dyslexia. We are also recognized as one of the leading Centers of the 45 in our corporate, regional organization.

Message to Parents

Are you searching for a way to help your student address his/her reading challenges? Are you and your family impacted by your student’s embarrassment, if not ridicule, as a result of those reading challenges? Is your student hurt and demoralized by the things other kids say to him/her about their difficulty with reading? Is his/her school performance lacking due to the inability to read? We know what you/your student is dealing with and we’re here to tell you there is hope! Our center’s dedicated instructors work one-on-one with our students to take them through a highly-structured but well-established and recognized, proven program to patiently re-educate them about the basic building blocks of reading and comprehension. After finishing our two year program, virtually all of our students not only read effectively but WANT to read, unlike their previous attitude toward reading. While there is typically a waiting list for our no cost training, the end result is worth the wait. Call our Center @ 614/799-1261 to discuss your interest in our program. Help is that close!

Center Resources

Child Application – Download Fillable Form | Download Printable Form

If you would like to train to become a tutor – Download Application

2022-2023 Initial Training Material List – Download

2023-2024 FY Academic Calendar – Download

Earn Cash for our Center – Download

Maddie’s Story

“Madeline came to the center starting 6th grade and was really struggling with reading and writing.  Her self-esteem was low and she was having major difficulty in school, not with just her classes but communicating with her peers.  We had known since Madeline was in kindergarten that she had auditory processing delays, and we found out in 2nd grade through outside testing that she was Dyslexic.  It wasn’t until she started OG at the Columbus Children Dyslexia Center that she really started enjoying school.  Everyone at the center has been a pleasure to work with and very understanding of our needs.  Her tutor was excellent and will be missed.  Madeline has greatly improved not only in reading and writing, but her self-esteem is much higher, she is more confident in school and with her peers, she even has made honor roll all grading periods of 7th grade.  I will be forever grateful for the Children Dyslexia Center, the teachers, staff, and the services they provide.  Madeline has been given a priceless gift because of everyone’s hard work and dedication. Thank you!”

Aiden’s Story

“Aiden has attended the Masonic Children’s Dyslexia Center for two years. In the two years, I have seen Aidens school work and self-esteem improve a lot. Aiden started high school and tutoring at the same time. It was hard, but he was dedicated to giving it his all. We felt like we had finally found someone that understood our son’s problems. In the last two years, Aiden has been a straight-A student, and on the honor roll. Aiden hopes to one day be an electrical engineer. I believe with his determination and the lifelong skills the center has given him, he will succeed at whatever he dreams to be. We want to thank everyone at the center, for everything you have done for our son, and your dedication to helping other children with dyslexia.”

Kathy, Gary, and Aiden

Ashley’s Story

“As I reflect upon my 13 years in special education, I cannot help but think upon the learning experiences and growth I went through along the way. I learned how to write an IEP. I learned how to implement goals, objectives, and transition services. I learned how to provide instruction for kids in a variety of settings — in person, digitally, and blended — with the sole purpose of providing the best education possible in the safest environment possible.  All things considered, I can sincerely say the most important things I have learned in my 13 years in education were at the Children’s Dyslexia Center in Columbus, Ohio.

In 2013, my district was one of the first in Central Ohio to pilot a school-based initial-level training with the center to learn the Orton-Gillingham approach. I was young and eager to learn all I could; so, despite being unsure of what I was getting into, I agreed to participate in the program. That initial year was intense and challenging, yet enlightening and empowering. By year’s end, I began to see this experience in the same way I do today: everything I never knew I always needed.

With the guidance and supervision of an excellent mentor during my initial level training, I grappled with the science of reading and how to integrate into practice to better service students with disabilities. With this approach to teaching reading, I saw my students gain confidence in their reading ability and confidence in themselves. They were happy, even excited, to come to intervention because they could actually see the growth they were experiencing.

With this training as a backbone, I was fortunate enough to be offered an opportunity to apply my knowledge in the role of a district-wide academic coach, instructing many teachers from all pedagogical levels.  I accepted the position, knowing full well that I was going to need additional training to take on this more extensive role. From that point, and to this moment, I have continued to learn more and more about the science of reading and the methodology of Orton-Gillingham.

Simply put, I am a better teacher today than I was in 2013.  For that I am, and will continue to be, forever grateful for the Children’s Dyslexia Center and my colleagues there for providing me with this wonderful opportunity and unique skill-set to better instruct the teachers and students of my local community.”

Ashley Williamson, M.Ed., ICALP

Meet the Center Leadership


K. Blythe

290 Cramer Creek Court
Dublin, Ohio 43017


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Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

The Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc. takes your privacy very seriously. We will not sell or share your information with anyone organization outside of the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc. Emails are strictly for program updates, opportunities and resources. By clicking submit, you agree to be contacted by the Columbus Children’s Dyslexia Centers staff.