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Builders Council

What is the Builders Council?

The ability to read is the foundation of each child’s future. It provides the base upon which all learning depends. Membership in the Builders Council means that you have made a commitment to assure that our Children’s Dyslexia Centers will be able to help children with dyslexia today, and for years to come.


Joining the Builders Council is achieved through a commitment of $10,000 to any of our Children’s Dyslexia Centers throughout the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, or to the organization as a whole.


Your gift may be made by one of the following methods:

• Pledging monthly/annual annual gifts lasting no longer than 10 years

• Naming the Children’s Dyslexia Centers in your will

• Making a bequest to the Children’s Dyslexia Centers

• Establishing an annuity or trust

Every member of the Children’s Dyslexia Center Builders Council receives a commemorative green tie and scarf. Wearing them serves as a reminder that there are children needlessly suffering because of the dyslexia and that the Scottish Rite is here to help. When you complete your $10,000 gift to the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, you receive a gold tie and scarf, signifying you have fulfilled your commitment. Wear your gold, with pride, knowing you have changed someones life.

Become a Member Today!

To join the Builders Council, please reach out to our Development Office at:

PO Box 519

Lexington, MA 02420-0519

(781) 862-4410

You can also donate online at our donate page by making an applicable gift, and noting in the “Additional Notes” section your intention to join the Builders Council!

J. Michael Aaron

Darrell & Billie Aderman

Demo Agoris

Edward & Joan Aiello

Eugene L. Albright

Harold & Phyllis Aldrich

Everett W. & Eleanor L. Allen

John A. Amarilios

Robert & Janice Amend

Emery & Carol Anden

Alton D. Anderson

Roderick W. & Jeanne M. Anderson

Samuel R. Andrews

Jon G. Udell

Bill C. Anthis

Emel Lee Atkins

Joseph Atkinson

Barry D. Babbitt

George Baechtold

David & Carol Bagaley

Marilyn A. Bagget

R. Perrin Baker

Russell W. Baker

Douglas M. Barker

John Baxter

Robert & Jacqueline Beatty

John L. Becker

David R. Bedwell

Ronald W. Beebe

J. Budd Bell

Terry D. Bentzel & Patricia A. Bentzel

Frederick J. Berenbroick

Joseph J. Berlandi

William H. Berman

Robert D. & Peggy Berteau

Claire & John Bertucci

Robert G. & Karen Bianchi

Dr. Jeff A. Biddle

Ross & Linda Black

Joe & Marti Blanc

Mark & Patty Bliler

Gustaf R. & Virginia Bodin

Carol L. Bond

Raymond L. & Ruth M. Bond

Timothy Boutell

William H. Boutell

M. Ray & Marlo Bradford Jr.

Creighton J. Bradler

John R. Bradshaw

Harry R. Brahmstadt

Mike Brannon

Scott E. Bratton

Helen S. Breidegam

Elbridge & Mareetta Brewer

John B. & Betty L. Brewer

Robert E. & Irene M. Brightbill

Robert & Allison Brink

Gary Brookins

Jay & Sally Brossman

Kenneth D. Brown

Robert F. Brown

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bryant

Charles E. Buchy

Jim Buchy

Rachel Buck

Carl & Mailyn Bumen

Richard B. Burgess

Leeland & Marilyn Burlison

Henry Huson Bush

James & Aubrey Cain

John C. Calvin

T. Scott Campbell

Alan J. Carlson

Edward Caron Jr

Joseph R. Carter

Mrs. Shirley B. Case

Chester F. & Sylvia Caswell

Robert A. Cataldo

Tom Chalfant

James M. & Verna Lee Chapman

Nancy A. Charo

Donald James & Dona J. Childs

Norman L. & Marcia Christensen

Otto A. Christensen

Larry Christenson

Harold L. & Marion Chute

Maynard Clark

Thomas A. & Dianne R. Clark

Robert W. & Holly S. Clarke

Frank P. Cleveland

Sidney Clifford, Jr.

Norman & Joyce Clopper

Harold A. & Judith E. Clough

Dr. Simon & Belle Coben

Michael J. Columbro

Herbert and Helen Cook

Thomas H. & Dorothy Corson

George H. Cox

Jeffrey W. Coy

Richard L. & Judi Coy

Charles E. Cranmer Jr.

Keith W. Cravens

Rick & Renee Cross

Willis L. Crothers

Melvin S. Cutler

Theodore &  Michelle Cutts

Trevor R. Cutts

David Daggett

Bernice L. Davidson

Bonnie J. Davis

Diana Davis

Robert J. & Mary W. Davis

William E. & Janice R. Day

Frederick W. Deady

James S. Dean

Mario & Linda Deblasio

James J. & Beverlee DeLuca

Howard H. Demott

William M. Detterer

Michael & Marilyn DeWolf

Jim S. & Marjorie B. Deyo

Bill & Heather Dickey

Kathleen W. Diesem

Raymond T. Dietz

David P. Dill

William A. Dion

Paden F. & Ruth S. Dismore

F. E. Dixon

Fred & Kathy Donatelli

Harold E. Doney

Louie R. D’Orazio

In Memory of Wilfred Dover

John D. Drinko

Helen Duncan

Herman W. & Patricia A. Dundore

Donald F. Dunkle

Terry & Leslie Duperon

Donald & Wendelyn Duquette

Almond L. Eaton

Alpha L. Eaton

Robert L. Eckbreth

James Ecker

Roger Lee Edgington

Jim & Sharon Eisele

John W. Eldred

Rich & Kathy Elliot

Robert G. Elrod

Larry R. & Katherine Emigh

Royle L. & Agnes Epperson

Richard B. Ernest

Linwood M. Erskine

Matthew F. Erskine

William A. Evanko

Thomas Ewald and Family

Carl F. Fahrenkrug

Kenneth R. Faux

Joseph W. & Marian B. Fennick

Robert W. & Joyce E. Ferguson

June Ferry

F. Fredrick & Eleanor D. Fether

Charles F. Fick

David B. & Donna Finney

W. Donald Fisher

Paul & LaDona Fishkin

Michael J. Fitzpatrick

James R. Flanigan

Carl R. Flohr

H. Paul Florin

Howard & Sharon Flynn

Raymond Edward Foose

Pete & Carol Jean Forrest

Larry E. & Cathy J. Foster

Paul I. Foster

Bruce E. Fox

William & Linda S. Fox

George E. Franchere

Herbert H. & Eileen Franks

Samuel E. Fratis

Lloyd C. Freedman

Richard & Dianne Freeman

Adrian J. & Kay French

Robert M. & Elva F. Frey

Anna D. Frink

Mark David Gall

Jack E. Gang

Joshua E. Garfinkle

Richard E. Garman

Judd F. Garrison

Harold A. Gennaria

David & Monica Glattly

Bradford & Kathleen Goebel

Merle F. & Elsie Gornall

Robert G. Graham

Margaret Grant

Wilder J. Greeley

Donald & Debra Green

Jesse J. & Tamara J. Green

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Greer

Laurence S. Gregory

William D. & Marian J. Gregory

Lucille Grieg

Benjamin F Griscom IV

Benny L. Grisham

Wally & Leah Grossett

Albert Grossman

Erich & Raylene Gumto

Harvey & Carol Gumto

William & Charlotte Haas

John A. Habel

Folkey E. Hagberg

R. James & Ardyce Hagen

Garry D. & Sonia G. Hageness

Leland A. Hale, Jr.

Daniel Hall & Lauren DeMarco

Fritz Hall

Margarete & Jack Hall

Philip & Betty Hall

Winthrop L. Hall

Jerry J. Hamilton

Robert E. & Jean Hansen

Theresa E. Hansen

Robert E. Hardin

Hugh Allen Harris

Wm. H. & Ruth Hartley

Jacque Hauser

Richard G. & Marilyn Hawk

Benny & Carol Heater

Alan & Genie Heath

James & Christa Hieb

Jeff & Lauren Heiger

Dick & Susan Heldman

Jeanette F. Hellming

Helen Ruth Henderson

Walter A. Henshaw

John Herwick

Raymond Frank Hess

Richard & Kay Hildebrand

Ronald M. Hilmer

Scott R. Hilsee

John & Katheryn Himmelspach

George & Leslie M. Hixon

Gene Hlavac

Jeffrey Hoachlander

William H. & Cheri L. Hochstettler

Goldie Hoffman

Robert E. Holden

Robert & Gayle Homoly

James M. Horsfall

Abner J. Houseknecht

Reinhard H. & Elizabeth Huebenthal

James R. Huff

Alice K. Hummer

John J. Hunt

Rolland & Susan Huss

Lawrence D. Inglis

Charlotte Jackson

Frederick E. & Janet Jackson

M. H. Jacobson

Richard F. Jakubowski

Raymond R. & Dorothy K. James

Jim & Lisa Jenkins

A. Norman Johnson

William E. Johnson

Jack & Maureen Jones

John S. Jones

Robert B. Jones

Robert E. Jones

Tony Jones

Franck T. Kakou & Family

Paul Kappel

Paul & Jackie Kauffman

William J. Kealey

David & Sandy Kearns

Warren R. Kegerise

Joseph L. Kenick

Phillip & Jeanne Kenney

Kenneth V. & Myrtle Jean Kettlewell

Kris E. Khoenle

David S. & Judith Kielman

Rolf T. Killingstad

Charlotte H. Kirk

Gregory & Laura Kita

Michael G. Klein

Frank R. & Betty Jane Koller

James M. Koscinski

John G. Kovac

Lloyd W. Koyl

Lila Kromer

Richard & Mary Ruth Kucera

Robert O. Kuehl

Irma C. Kurtz

C. William & Agnes M. Lakso

David J. Lamprey

Robert R. Landry

Herbert H. & Leah R. Landy

Sally C. Laplant

Kenneth L. Larsen

Richard D. Larson

Robert B. Larson

Dennis L. Lawson

Charles R. Lefever

Jack R. & Shirley Leisure

Paul & Natalie Lenz

George & Judith Lewis

John H. Lewis

Aarne & Jeanne Lillo

Carl & Edyth Lindner

Robert D. Lindner

K. D. Lindsay

Lee & Janice Lockwood

Allan L. Longnaker

Frederick H. & Carolyn Lorenson

Richard J. & Francis E. Luckay

James E. & Margaret M. MacDonald

William & Barabara Magnotti

Frank R. Mangery

James A. Manninen

Jack W. & Edna Marsh

Albert R. Marshall

Bill and Laura Marshall

Eric & Nancy Marshall

Scott T. Matincheck

Ellwood A. Mattson

Margaret McCaig

John McCain

William L. McCarrier

Samuel R. McClure

Stanley A. & Patricia McCollough

John F. McCombs

Leon M. McCorkle

Roy A. & Sara Jane McCullough

Julia & Calvin McCutcheon

Mr. & Mrs. William H. McDaniels

Ellice McDonald

Jay E. McElravy

Joann McElravy

Forrest D. McKerley

James A. & Earlene McMahon

Donald & Linda Mcmillan

John W. & Lois McNaughton

John W. McNaughton

Craig & Amy McVicker

M. R. Mekenian

Mike Melde

George W. Metz

Lou Mervis

Joseph T. Mezzina

Michael A. Mickey

Mary Jo Milam

William F. Milam

David P. Miller

Donald D. (Pete) & Virginia Miller

Dr. Glenn & Roberta Miller

Glenn D. & Mary B. Miller

Jack & Carol Miller

Robert L. Miller

Susan L Minor in memory of George C Schneider

William & Jeanette Minch

Donald & Janice Moll

George R. & Virginia S. Moad

Karl J Mock

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Molloy

Anthony W. Montuori

Arthur D. Morey

G. Michael & Ruth Morris

Sven R. & Vivian Mossberg

Michael E. Mountz

David Dee Mowry

John & May Moy

Donald M. Murphy

John M. Murphy

Oliver A. Murphy

Ronn Murphy

Glenn & Louise Murray

Russell W. Nadeau

George Nakonetschny

Thurman F. Naylor

Robert S. Neff

Morton S. & Donna M. Negin

Berthel I. Neilson

Walter F. Neumann

Larry G. Newhard

John L. Newman

Jack & Joy Nicklas

John & Valerie Nicklas

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nitzsche

John W. Oberg

Lillian Ochiltree

Erwin W. & Susan O’Dell

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Oelgoetz III

Paul Offutt

James H. Ohlinger

Stu Olesen

James E. & Shirley Olmstead

Byron D. Olson

Frank Orlove

Howard & Ann Orr

Donald S. Orrell

Robert N. & Isamay Osborne

James C. Owen

Charles A. & Dorothy O’Wril

John D. Padley

Arthur M. Pappas

Richard W. & Nancy Parker

Robert H. Parker

David W. Parks

Dennis Jay Patterson

Lewis T. Patterson

Peter T. Patterson

Francis & Lillian Paul

Steven R. Pekock

Ronald C. Pennock

Bernolt & Carol Palas

Dale R. Perelman

Raymond B. Perry

Norman A. Peterson

Steven & Lori Petitjean

Uuno T. Pitkanen

Ronald & Karen Plesh

John & Kay Polzin

Frances C. Pool

Jerrold E. Potts

Daniel C. Pratt

Charmaine Prewitt

Steven E. Prewitt

Charles & Margaret Prieve

John & Ruth Prosser

Richard W. Prouty

Robert & Susann Ralston

William & Gladys Ralston

William B. Ralston

Steven, Veronica, Jesse and Blake Ramsey

C. Mark Recard

Paul E. Reichart

Helen M. Reidler

W. Bruce & Betsy A. Renner

Denis & Carolyn Ribordy

Albert H. Richardson, Jr.

Charles E. Ridlon

Bernard & Margaret Roberts

D. William Roberts

Bruce A. Robinson

Dennis Robinson

Douglas E. & Helen Robinson

George S. & Dorothy Robinson

Floyd K. Roby

Richard & Bette Rodibaugh

Donald J. Rogers

Loretta Rogers

Martha S. Roth

Richard L. Royer

Paul & Joan Rubschlager

Ronald L. Runion

Robert W. Russell

William P. & Helen Rutherford

Robert A. Rylowicz

Richard & Nancy Salsbury

Peter J. & Gail R. Samiec

Frederick P. Sample

Robert W. Sanborn & Donna J. Sanborn

Charles W. Sanders

Dr. Jim Sanger & Mary Newton

Don & Ginny Sauer

Robert W. Sawyer lV

Eric R. Schau

A. Joseph Schneider

Joseph A. Schrock Jr.

Otfried & Enyde Schultz

Gary L. Schuyler

Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.

James W. Seel

Dale E. Seiders

John J. & Phyllis M. Sexton

David L. & Cheryl Sharkis

William P. Shaw

Harold E. Sheely

Eliot B. Shoolman

Teddy & Jennifer Sizemore

Joseph & Jeanne Silverberg

Stanley O. Simons

Jeffry A. Simonton

Verdon R. Skipper

William Slater

Norbert F. Slezak Jr.

Neil & Willa Jean Smalley

Larry L. & Virginia Smerglia

David J. Smith

Gail N. & Susan L. Smith

Lincoln D. Smith

Arthur J. Smith

Franklin & Emmy Smith

Lewis C. Snell

Donald Soberg

Charles E. Spahr

Richard Jay Spangler

Samuel & Judith Spanos

David & Gale Spencer

James R. Spencer

Garrell C. and Kathryn Spires

Robert & Delores Spitzer

Allan and Bonnie Spurr

Rodney and Norma St. Clair

Virginia R. Stadtler

Frederick A. and Harriet K. Stahl

Willie Stamper

Sterling J. Standiford

Robert D. Stands

Martin P. Starr

Christian L. Stein

David S. Stewart

Richard J. Stewart

Mark A. Stimson

J. Robert and Patricia G. Stockner

Gordon M. Stone

Jeff & Nicole Strah

Bruce A. Strausberger

Jesse A. Strausberger

Thomas Sturgeon

Robert N. Stutz

S. Douglas and Rita Sukeforth

Charles & Lynne Sullins

Elsa O. Sullivan

Kenneth D. Sutton

James D. Swan Jr.

Robert Taylor

Jack Michael Temsey

Kurt R. Tesche

Mark W. Tetzlaff

Donald D. Thomas

Malcolm L. Tieman

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Tienken

Elizabeth A. Tillotson

Mark F. Traupman

Richard V. Travis

C. DeForrest Trexler

Gregory Triko

Edward R. Trosin

Richard C. Trott, Jr.

Richard & Genevieve Trout

Robert & Dorothy Tubesing

James L. & Susan Summer Tungate

John C. Van Hollen

George T. Vance

Louis Vander Eyk

Mr. and Mrs. David Vauthier

Edgar J. & Mary Verkest

Henry L. Waldron

Eleanor S. Walker

S. Timothy Warco

Walter & Leslie Webber

Herman J. & Barbara Weber

Frank Weckenman

Mark A. & Rita M. Weir

David & Edith Weisman

William D. Welch

Bob & Charlene Wells

William A. & Anna M. Welsheimer

Gary P. Wendt

Malcolm B. Wernik

Chester Arthur West, Jr.

Louri Ann West

Royce G. Wheeler

Charles & Ruth Anne White

Dean G. White

John H. Whitehouse, Jr.

Robert H. Whitmer

Bruce Widger

John & Sharon Wilke

Alton Paul Williams

Gary Williams

John & Jerry Williams

William C. Wimmer

Richard H. & Jane W. Winship

David & Kathryn Winters

Michael Wolcott

Dr. George & Twila Wollaston

Martin & Debbie Woodworth

Lloyd Henry Wonch

Jeffrey & Sharon Wonderling

David F. Wood

Guy R. & Judith L. Wood

Roland K. Woodberry

Mohamad Yatim

Charles F. Yingling

Frank & Anne Young

John W. Young

Richard R. & Mary F. Young

Wilhelmina Young

John & Bonnie Youngblood

Peter & Vera Yurecko

Stanley R. Zeboski

Edward W. Zeh

James E. Zemancik

Anthony G. Ziagos

Simon L. Zimmerman

30th Masonic District F&AM

Avalon Lodge #657 F & AM

Caroline Knox Memorial Fund

Cassia Mt. Horeb Lodge 273 F and AM

Chartiers Lodge #297 F & A M

Cogswell Benevolent Trust

Columbian Lodge

Dead River Company/The Kenduskeag Foundation

Estate of John Henry MacQuaide

Estate of Paul Henry Steinfurth

Estate of Ralph Conway Rickard

Estate of Ralph Edward Gray, Jr.

Excelsior Scottish Rite Bodies Charity Fund, Inc.

Franklin / St. John’s / Trinity Lodge #221

G. Gilbert Steffe Council of Princes of Jerusalem

Giant Eagle Foundation

Gourgas Lodge Of Perfection

Gustav & Gladys Kindt  Foundation

Hiram’s Riders of Valley of Pittsburgh

Hiram’s Scottish Riders Motorcycle Club

Homestead Amity McCandless Lodge #582

Huntington National Bank

Illinois Knights Templar Home

Industrial Scientific Foundation

Infinity Lodge No. 546

Jerusalem Lodge No. 506

John H. and Emma Van Gorden Trust

Julius W. Hegeler II Foundation

Lodge 45, Pittsburgh, P.A.

Mahoning Valley Nursing Rehabilitation Center

Margaret L. Henry Children’s Home Foundation

Masonic Bodies of the Valley of Reading

Masonic Family Health Foundation

May Emma Hoyt Foundation

Oakdale Lodge No. 669

Paul Family Foundation

Perseverance Lodge No. 21 F.& A.M Harrisburg, PA

Pittsburgh Commandery No. 1 Knights Templar

Rhode Island Masonic Youth Foundation, Inc.

Ruth E. Lobley Trust

Steel City DeMolay – Coraopolis, PA

Stephenson Family Foundation

The Jerome and Dorothy Holz Family Foundation

The LIGHT Foundation

The Pentagoet Foundation

The Ralph C. Wilson Foundation

The Supreme Council Group Valley of Pittsburgh

Unified Lodge #2 I. O. O. F.

Valley of New Castle

Valley of Pittsburgh Legion of Honor

Valley of Uniontown

Vintage-Classic Car Club

Washington Lodge #164

Washington Lodge #59 Philadelphia, PA.

Wimodausis Club