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A Campaign for Dyslexia Awareness

Welcome to A Kid Like Me! Join us each week in June as we celebrate the more than 14,000 children whose lives have been forever changed by our local Dyslexia Centers.


“Throughout high school, I struggled immensely when it came to academics. Around my freshman year I was diagnosed with dyslexia. At the time, I didn’t know what that meant. The dyslexia center not only welcomed me with open arms but helped me understand what was happening inside my brain and how it worked so uniquely. 

The center taught me things that my teachers had never even mentioned. Their techniques and kindness is something I will forever be grateful for because now I am the best version of me.”


“When I was younger, I would come home and cry because I thought I was dumb since I couldn’t read like the other kids. Over the last few years I have come to realize that I am just wired differently. I am thankful there is a place where there are other kids like me, where I don’t feel so alone in my struggles.”

Check Back in june for more stories!