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Children’s Dyslexia Center of Northwest Illinois at the Stephenson County Fair

Freeport Fair Picture for website

Pictured in this picture are

Tutors – Shirley Jordan, Pauline Coleman

BOG Member – Mark Lower

Our tutors along with BOG members worked in 2 hours shifts at our informational booth for the Children’s Dyslexia Center Northwest Illinois at the Stephenson County Fair.  We were part of a one day showcase of local non-profit agencies, each day of the fair different types of agencies and/or services were recognized and showcased.  

The tutors were Kathy Miller, Teresa Reel, Charlotte Stoehr, Shirley Jordan, Pauline Coleman, Genevra Snetcher, Office Admin. Kaitlyn Smith

Former students- Cody and Carson Penticoff

BOG members – Mark Lower, Don Hoyle, Gary Young, and Keri Penticoff