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Ill. Brother Kevin Hecht Takes It Off for a Good Cause


The Lafayette Consistory Christmas holiday party, held on December 8 at the Woodwinds Event venue in Branford included a silent auction with all proceeds to benefit the Children’s Dyslexia Centers of Connecticut. Among the items available, the two top money makers were a weekend getaway in a Vermont cabin retreat and a gift basket of shaving goodies donated by Shick/Edgewell in Milford.

One would not normally think of a basket of razors, blades and shaving gel as a money maker, but thanks to the generous and good natured attitude of Illustrious Brother Kevin Hecht and his offer to shave his beard on the spot – provided that someone purchased the basket for at least $300, it worked! With great encouragement from those in attendance, Kevin wielded a number of different razors and proceeded to remove most of the facial hair that had prominently adorned his face upon his arrival. In total, Kevin’s efforts resulted in additional donation in excess of $1,000 being contributed to the CDC of Connecticut.

Thank you to all who so generously gave in support of the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, but most especially, thank you to a now clean shaven Kevin Hecht!

Connecticut Freemasons • January 2020